All Projects

  • Bioplastics, Bulk chemicals, Butanediol, CO, CO2, Diols, Fermentation, Gas fermentation, Gasses, H2, H2020-RIA, Ongoing projects, PHA, PHB, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Specialty chemicals, Syngas, WP leader

CO2SMOS aims to develop a platform of technologies to transform CO2 emissions produced by bio-based industries into a set a of high added-value chemicals. 

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  • Biomass pretreatment, Bioplastics, Fermentation, HEurope-CBEJU-IA, Industrial sidestreams, Ongoing projects, PHA, Paper and cardboard, Partner, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Product recovery and purification

The ELLIPSE project will address the valorisation of two heterogeneous waste streams generated in significant amounts in Europe, slaughterhouse waste (bellygrass) and paper and pulp sludge, to produce cost-efficient PHAs for agricultural and packaging sectors.

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  • 2G sugar, 2G sugar - food, 2G sugar - forestry, Biocatalysis, Biomass pretreatment, Bioplastics, Biopolymers, Coordinator, Fermentation, Forestry sidestreams, HEurope - CBE JU, HEurope-CBEJU-IA, Municipal solid waste, Ongoing projects, Other feedstock, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Product recovery and purification, WP leader

LUCRA will exploit Municipal Solid Waste and Wood waste as feedstocks for the large scale production of platform building block chemicals at high yield with significant industrial end-user interest using a circular bioeconomy biorefinery approach.

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  • 2G sugar, 2G sugar - industrial, Alcohols, Biocatalysis, Biodegradable, Biomass pretreatment, Bioplastics, Bulk chemicals, Chemical building blocks, Construction materials, Consumer goods, Coordinator, Enzymes, Fermentation, Forestry sidestreams, Green chemistry, HEurope-Other, HEurope-RIA, Industrial sidestreams, Lignin biomass, Ongoing projects, Paper & cardboard, Plastic waste, Polymers, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

Recyclable Elastomeric Plastics safely and sUstainably designed and produced via enzymatic Recycling of Post-cOnsumer waSte strEams

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  • Biodegradable, Bioplastics, Biopolymers, Eco-design, Enzyme development, Fermentation, Food and drink packaging, H2020-RIA, Industrial sidestreams, Ongoing projects, Partner, Plastic upcycling, Plastic waste, Polymers, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Scale-up (TRL 4-6)

The concept of UPLIFT is to introduce biological depolymerization technology as an addition and integration to established recycling practices, by converting persistent plastic waste into more easily recyclable and/or degradable polymers.

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  • Aerobic fermentation, Anaerobic fermentation, Bioplastics, CAPEX, Circular Economy, Demonstration (TRL 5-7), Fermentation, H2020 BBI-RIA, Industrial sidestreams, LCA, Mixed culture, PHA, PHB, Passed projects, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Process waters, Product recovery and purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

The AFTERLIFE project proposes a flexible, cost- and resource-efficient process for recovering and valorising the relevant fractions from wastewater.

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  • AO-NIB, Biomaterials, Bioplastics, Biosurfactants, Bulk chemicals, Finished projects, Lubricants, Partner, Personal and home care, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development, Regional-flanders, SME support, Solvents, Specialty chemicals, VLAIO/AO, Value chain building

The main goal of the project is to facilitate the transition of the Flemish industry to a sustainable, biobased economy by building a competitive biocluster of companies that are able to build new value chains.
The project is primarily aimed at companies from the agro-industry, technology developers and the chemical sector.

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  • Acrylic deratives, Alcohols, Biocatalysis, Bioplastics, Biopolymers, Bulk chemicals, CCU, CO, CO2, Feed, Feed additives, Feed ingredients, Fermentation, Finished projects, Formic acid, Gas fermentation, Gasses, H2, H2020-RIA, Lactic acid, Mobile unit, PHA, PHB, Partner, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Specialty chemicals, Steel mill gasses, Waste gasses

BIOtechnological processes based on microbial platforms for the CONversion of CO2 from iron&steel industry into commodities for chemicals and plastics

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  • (Inter)Cluster, Bioplastics, Biopolymers, CCU, CO2, Catalisti-ISBO, Feed, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food, Formic acid, Gas fermentation, Gasses, H2, Low TRL, Other feedstock, PHA, PHB, Partner, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Regional-flanders, Single cell protein, Specialty chemicals, Waste gasses

CO2PERATE aims to develop catalytic technologies to convert CO2 into formic acid, using renewable electricity. Formic acid will subsequently be used as building block for the biosynthetic production of value-added chemicals, as a building block for the chemical industry, or as a potential carrier for energy storage.

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