All Projects

  • Agriculture, Aromatics, Biopolymers, Bulk chemicals, Chemical building blocks, Coordination, Coordinator, Enzymes, Fertilizers, Finished projects, Food, Food ingredients, Innovation vouchers, Interreg NWE, Networking, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development, SME support, Scale-up, Specialty chemicals, Sugars, Value chain building, WP leader

The BioBase4SME project intends to help Start-ups and SME to overcome technological and non-technological barriers to bring their innovation to market.

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Bio Base NWE
  • Biocatalysis, Biomass pretreatment, Coordinator, Fermentation, Finished projects, Green chemistry, Innovation vouchers, Interreg NWE, Investment project, Networking, Process development, Product recovery & purification, SME support, Scale-up, Value chain building, WP leader

The project aims to accelerate the growth of the biobased economy, EU and local partners joined forces by providing financial, technological, training, networking and political support to enterprises in North West Europe (NWE) innovating in biobased products and processes.

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  • AO-NIB, Biocatalysis, Coordinator, Finished projects, Process development, Regional-flanders, SME support, VLAIO/AO, Value chain building, WP leader

The aim of BIOKATALYSE is to acquaint traditional chemical industry with the Key Enabling Technology Biocatalysis. Biocatalysis is a technology that uses enzymes instead of chemical catalysts to catalyse or speed up chemical processes. The target group is the Flemish chemical industry that is mainly making use of conventional chemical conversion techniques.

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  • 2G biomass, Advanced fuels, Biofuel, Bulk chemicals, Ethanol, Finished projects, Fuels, Glycerol tertiary butyl ether, H2020-RIA, Industrial sidestreams, Isobutanol, MSW, Municipal solid waste, Other feedstock, Paper & cardboard, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

The objective of BioRen is to develop competitive drop-in biofuels for road transport from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). A higher value fuel is targeted: glycerol tertiary butyl ether (GTBE) is a promising fuel additive to both diesel and gasoline that improves engine performance and cuts harmful exhaust emissions (e.g. fine dust).

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  • 1G sugar, Biosurfactants, Cosmetic ingredients, Detergents, FP7, Fatty acids, Fermentation, Finished projects, Glucose, Nano technology, Oils, Oils and derivatives, Personal and home care, Personal care, Process development, Product recovery & purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Sophorolipids, Vegetable oils, WP leader

This project aims to create new-to-nature and tailor-made biosurfactants through metabolic engineering of the unconventional yeast Starmerella bombicola.
Surfactants or surface active agents are applied in a wide range of industries and products e.g. cleaning, personal care, cosmetics, agriculture, oil recovery, paper industry.

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  • 1G sugar, 2G oils, 2G sugar, 2G sugar - agriculture, Agricultural sidestreams, Biosurfactants, Custom manufacturing, Demonstration (TRL 5-7), Detergents, Fatty acids, Fatty alcohols, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food, Food grade, Fucosylated carbohydrates, H2020 BBI-RIA, HMO, Lactose, MELs, Market sample production, Oils, Oils and derivatives, Personal and home care, Product recovery & purification, Rhamnolipids, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Sialylated carbohydrates, Sophorolipids, Specialty carbohydrates, Used cooking oil, Vegetable oils, WP leader, Xylolipids

The CARBOSURF project aims to develop new biobased processes as well as products and solves bottlenecks in the fermentative production of biobased biosurfactants and specialty carbohydrates. Specifically, it targets different glycolipid biosurfactants with a wide range of application fields and specialty carbohydrates, i.e. complex Human Milk Oligosaccharides that find applications as neutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients.

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  • 1G sugar, Agriculture, Bacterial, Biopolymers, Chitin, Chito-oligosaccharides, Chitosans, Coordinator, E. coli, ERA-IB, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food related sidestreams, Glucose, Process development (TRL 4-5), Sucrose, Sugar, WP leader

The ChitoBioEngineering project aims at establishing biotechnological ways of producing fully defined, partially acetylated chitosan oligomers. This will be achieved through genetic, metabolic, and enzyme engineering.

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  • Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrations program, Finished projects, Forestry sidestreams, Fuels, Lignin biomass, Lignin-based fuel, Marine fuel, Process development, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

Sustainable and competitive lignin-based biofuels with sufficient supply-chain security and cost-efficiency to be used as a replacement of fossil-based oils in the marine sector.

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  • (Inter)Cluster, Bioplastics, Biopolymers, CCU, CO2, Catalisti-ISBO, Feed, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food, Formic acid, Gas fermentation, Gasses, H2, Low TRL, Other feedstock, PHA, PHB, Partner, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Regional-flanders, Single cell protein, Specialty chemicals, Waste gasses

CO2PERATE aims to develop catalytic technologies to convert CO2 into formic acid, using renewable electricity. Formic acid will subsequently be used as building block for the biosynthetic production of value-added chemicals, as a building block for the chemical industry, or as a potential carrier for energy storage.

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