EFRO: Demonstration Equipment for Industrial Biotechnology

…more companies and it will have a larger capacity for producing industrially relevant quantities of innovative biobased products. This is an important tool for companies that wish to test the…

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BIOtechnological processes based on microbial platforms for the CONversion of CO2 from iron&steel industry into commodities for chemicals and plastics The main objective of BIOCON-CO2 is to develop and validate…

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Bio Base Release

…Innoveren en Ondernemen (FIO) – Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Depending on the microorganism and the genetic modification, the desired molecules produced during fermentation are either formed within the cell…

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Forum for Industrial Biotechnology & the Bioeconomy 2023 Good Food Conference When chemistry meets the biorevolution industrial biotechnologies day Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins Summit JOBDAG 2023 JOBDAY 2023 World Bio…

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…services spread across Europe for the scale-up of new bio-based materials. The OITB on which the BIOMAC project is based will aim at scaling up existing production processes for bio-based…

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Explore the journey to microbial protein marvels

for lunch and bus transport, we are forced to implement a no-show fee of €50 per participant. In case you cannot participate, you can delegate a colleague or choose for

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…project will pave the way for deployment of biowaste technologies and technology configurations by setting-up a database providing a comprehensive technology overview (TRL4-9) for the valorisation of bio-waste (food waste…

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Open innovation test bed for developing safe nano-enabled biobased materials and polymer bionanocomposites for multifunctional and new advanced applications Nano-enabled bio-based materials can combine the best of unique functionalities: biocompatibility…

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The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is currently looking for different profiles to strengthen its team: For its Technical Department (Master, Bachelor, Technical Degree or equal by experience): Technical Purchaser…

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