Sustainable Exploitation of bio-based Compounds Revealed and Engineered from natural sources​​ The SECRETed project proposes the development of novel molecules by the combination of biosynthetic genes of amphiphilic compounds, biosurfactants…

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…fractions from wastewater. It will represent an advance on existing approaches to wastewater treatment, which rely on physic-chemical and biological methods. The AFTERLIFE process will separate out the different components…

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…general innovation principles combined with specific learnings in the bio-based economy arena gained in previous projects that fostered and stimulated the bio-based economy. In short, the project (i) provides general…

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Following recent tripling of its fermentation capacity, the BBEPP invests in additional purification equipment, online sensors and water purification

…osmotic cell lysis) and enzymatic methods. This releases the entire cell contents, which greatly complicates further purification. Monitoring the preceding fermentation process is also less obvious. Unlike many other sectors,…

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Bio Base NWE

…it difficult to bridge the gap between newly developed research and the commercial market. This is where Bio Base NWE comes into play. More information can be found at…

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…A valorization plan will be drafted to complete all the steps of the innovation chain. The project will result in the industrialisation and commercialization of the developed products and processes….

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…ES, BE, NL, DE) to consolidate the maximum outreach of the initiative. It consists of 9 partners with complementary competences: 4 RTD centers (CIRCE, CTB, AIMPLAS; CET); 1 large industry…

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Development of competitive, next-generation biofuels from municipal solid waste The objective of BioRen is to develop competitive drop-in biofuels for road transport from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste…

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…for biobased products. The result is a toolbox combining: intensified chemical conversions (electrocatalytic and membrane reactors) innovative biotechnological solutions based on gas/liquid combined fermentation processes and organic/green-catalysts reaction processes, which…

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