Ghent Syngas Cluster

…in Ghent to optimize, scale up and demonstrate this new technology at pilot level. A consortium of different companies was gathered that was to develop and demonstrate the new technology…

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…of commercially available biosurfactants, satisfying the need for structural diversity in the market. It is expected that this technology will result in a breakthrough penetration of glycolipid biosurfactants in the…

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Technology Development @ BBEPP

…and the shift towards a more sustainable bioeconomy. In July 2021, BBEPP announces the establishment of its first spin-off company: AmphiStar. AmphiStar is developing a proprietary technology platform for the…

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compete directly their fossil-based counterparts from petrochemical processes, different polyurethane dispersions and resins will be produced at semi-industrial scale. The process implemented in LUCRA targets to reduce the cost of…

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Metabolic and Enzyme Engineering for the Biotechnological Production of Partially Acetylated Chitosans Scope of the project Today’s commercially available chitosans are produced chemically from chitin isolated from shrimp shell wastes….

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…of the enzymes 2. Optimize and scale up the reactions with the enzymes with the aim to enable the commercial exploitation of the enzymes as well as the glycosylated products….

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Pitch event

…EU’s Climate ambition for 2030 and 2050. ShapingBio aims to create a better understanding and information basis of the bioeconomy innovation eco-system by providing a comprehensive mapping and analysis of:…

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Pitch event
Pitch Perfect and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2022

…can guarantee a diverse attendance reaching from SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups, large companies/corporates, investors, research organisations, technology providers to organisations offering relevant innovation services such as access to finance, scale-up trials,…

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