On July 21st, 2024, during closing night of the renown annual Ghent Festival, the “Ghent Climate Forum / Gents Klimaatforum” awarded its Annual Climate Awards on the main stage at Sint-Jacobs.

The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is extremely happy and honoured to announce it received the 2024 Climate Award in the category innovation. We would like to express our gratitude to Gents Klimaatforum for this highly esteemed recognition. It strengthens us in our never-ending mission to contribute to the decarbonisation of our society.
nd less important, but anyhow: what an amazing experience it was to get, with a small delegation, on the stage at St-Jacobs during closing night in front of hundreds of enthusiastic people! A once in a life-time!  

Congratulations also to car-sharing organisation Dégage that received the Ghent Climate Prize in the category motion, emission reduction and social justice. 

The Full Press Release (in Dutch only) can be found on the website of the Ghent Climate Forum.


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