The COPILOT project is a Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking Coordination and Support Action that will update, expand and make the Pilots4U database of Open Access Pilot and Demo Infrastructures for the European Bioeconomy future-proof and self-sustainable through co-creation.

Furthermore the project will grow, train and nurture the stakeholder communities linked to this database by means of the “Scale-Up & Growth” and the “Exchange & Connect” Programmes.

By means of an Open Call (OC), COPILOT will select 10 PDIs (OC1) and 15 BioInnovators (OC2) active in the bioeconomy that will co-create the next generation platform of pilot and demo infrastructures, as well as its business model, “Scale-Up & Growth” and “Exchange & Connect” Programmes.

The Open Call was launched on August 12th, 2024. Deadline for applications is October 10th, 2024 at 5pm CET.

The COPILOT consortium will organise two webinars to inform potential applicants to the Open Calls. These webinars will include a “live” Q&A opportunity. The webinars are scheduled for:

Need more information? Please, send an email to Yang Zou.

Preliminary programme:

11 – 11.05 am          Introduction on Pilots4U powered by COPILOT
by Yang Zou, COPILOT Project Coordinator and Platform Manager

11.05 – 11.30 am    Introduction to COPILOT Open Call 1 and Open call 2
by Stef Denayer, Pilots4U Stakeholder Relations Manager

11.30 – 11.40 am     Application phase and important documents
by Mateusz Kowacki, F6S

11.40 am                  Q&A

Moe information on the Open Calls here.