Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech2022
Maison Minatec - Grenoble
27.06.2022 - 29.06.2022
11:00 - 15:30
Meet our Project Acquisition Coordinator Tanja Meyer. She has a speaking slot on Tuesday June 28, 2022 in Parallel session 4: Bio-inspired Manufacturing Technologies and Smart Materials.
What exactly can you expect from IndTech2022 and why is it worth attending? Take a look at how you can benefit from the event:
- Meet industry and innovation leaders, scientists, researchers and public decision-makers
- Attend parallel thematic sessions, workshops, and meetings
- Participate in interactive panel discussions
- Get introduced to innovative companies and pilot line platforms through site visits
- Hear about successful R&I projects and leading science and research institutions
- Take part in a matchmaking event for stakeholders and manifold opportunities for networking and research consortia building
- Discuss the post-Covid challenges for European Industries and solutions towards better economical resilience
- Discover the first results of Horizon Europe calls and discussion for the new period 2023-2024