As part of its “Scale-up & Growth” Programme, “Pilots4U powered by COPILOT” organises a Scale-up Accelerator Workshop following the BBEPP Study Visit. More details on the content and agenda of this workshop will be announced in due time.

This event is organised back-to-back with Pitch Perfect and Boost the EU Bioeconomy 2024. Therefore a shuttle bus will depart from Sheraton Brussels Airport at 8am sharp on Wednesday December 4th and will be back at Brussels Airport around 3pm.

The COPILOT project is a CBE-JU CSA project that ill update, expand and make the database of Open Access Pilot and Demo Infrastructures for the European Bioeconomy future-proof and self sustainable through co-creation. Furthermore the project will grow, train and nurture the stakeholder communities linked to this database by means of the “Scale-up & Growth” and the “Exchange & Connect” Programmes.

Registration is mandatory and can be done by sending an email to Anneleen De Vriendt.